A Simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Model
Understanding of the basic concepts of the CNN model :
Mankind is an awesome natural machine and is capable of looking at multiple images every second and processing them without realizing how the processing is done. But the same is not with machines.
The first step in image processing is to understand, how to represent an image so that the machine can read it.
Every image is a cumulative arrangement of dots (a pixel) arranged in a special order. If you change the order or color of a pixel, the image would change as well.
Three basic components to define a basic convolutional neural network.
- The Convolutional Layer
- The Pooling layer
- The Output layer
Let’s see each of them in detail
The Convolutional Layer :
In this layer if we have an image of size 66. We define a weight matrix that extracts certain features from the images
We have initialized the weight as a 3x3 matrix. This weight shall now run across the image such that all the pixels are covered at least once, to give a convolved output. The value 429 above, is obtained by adding the values obtained by element-wise multiplication of the weight matrix and the highlighted 3x3 part of the input image.
The 6x6 image is now converted into a 4x4 image. Think of a weight matrix like a paintbrush painting a wall. The brush first paints the wall horizontally and then comes down and paints the next row horizontally. Pixel values are used again when the weight matrix moves along the image. This basically enables parameter sharing in a convolutional neural network.
Let’s see what this looks like in a real image.
- The weight matrix behaves like a filter in an image, extracting particular information from the original image matrix.
- A weight combination might be extracting edges, while another one might a particular color, while another one might just blur the unwanted noise.
- The weights are learned such that the loss function is minimized and extracts feature from the original image which helps the network incorrect prediction.
- When we use multiple convolutional layers, the initial layer extracts more generic features, and as the network gets deeper the features get complex.
Let us understand some concepts here before we go further deep
What is Stride?
As shown above, the filter or the weight matrix we moved across the entire image moving one pixel at a time. If this is a hyperparameter to move the weight matrix 1 pixel at a time across an image it is called the stride of 1. Let us see for stride of 2 how it looks.
As you can see the size of the image keeps on reducing as we increase the stride value.
Padding the input image with zeros across it solves this problem for us. We can also add more than one layer of zeros around the image in case of higher stride values.
We can see how the initial shape of the image is retained after we padded the image with a zero. This is known as the same padding since the output image has the same size as the input.
This is known as the same padding (which means that we considered only the valid pixels of the input image). The middle 4x4 pixels would be the same. Here we have retained more information from the borders and have also preserved the size of the image.
Having Multiple filters & the Activation Map
- The depth dimension of the weight would be the same as the depth dimension of the input image.
- The weight extends to the entire depth of the input image.
- Convolution with a single weight matrix would result into a convolved output with a single depth dimension. In the case of multiple filters, all have the same dimensions applied together.
- The output from each filter is stacked together forming the depth dimension of the convolved image.
Suppose we have an input image of size 32x32x3. And we apply 10 filters of size 5x5x3 with valid padding. The output would have the dimensions as 28x28x10.
You can visualize it as –
This activation map is the output of the convolution layer.
The Pooling Layer
If images are big in size, we would need to reduce the no.of trainable parameters. For this, we need to use pooling layers between convolution layers. Pooling is used for reducing the spatial size of the image and is implemented independently on each depth dimension resulting in no change in image depth. Max pooling is the most popular form of pooling layer.
Here we have taken stride as 2, while pooling size also as 2. The max-pooling operation is applied to each depth dimension of the convolved output. As you can see, the 4x4 convolved output has become 2x2 after the max-pooling operation.
Let’s see how max-pooling looks on a real image.
In the above image, we have taken a convoluted image and applied max pooling on it which resulted in still retaining the image information that is a car but if we closely observe the dimensions of the image are reduced to half which basically means we can reduce the parameters to a great number.
There are other forms of pooling like average pooling, and L2 norm pooling.
Output dimensions
It is tricky at times to understand the input and output dimensions at the end of each convolution layer. For this, we will use three hyperparameters that would control the size of the output volume.
- No. of Filter: The depth of the output volume will be equal to the number of filters applied. The depth of the activation map will be equal to the number of filters.
- Stride: When we have a stride of one we move across and down a single pixel. With higher stride values, we move a large number of pixels at a time and hence produce smaller output volumes.
- Zero padding: This helps us to preserve the size of the input image. If a single zero padding is added, a single stride filter movement would retain the size of the original image.
We can apply a simple formula to calculate the output dimensions.
The spatial size of the output image can be calculated as:
Where: W: Input volume size
F: Size of the filter
P: Number of padding applied
S: Number of strides.
where W is the input volume size, F is the size of the filter, P is the number of padding applied S is the number of strides.
Let us take an example of an input image of size 64x64x3, we apply 10 filters of size 3x3, with a single stride and no zero padding.
Here W=64, F=3, P=0 and S=1. The output depth will be equal to the number of filters applied i.e. 10.
The size of the output volume will be ([64–3+0]/1)+1 = 62. Therefore the output volume will be 62x62x10.
The Output layer
- With a number of layers of convolution and padding, we need the output in the form of a class.
- To generate the final output we need to apply a fully connected layer to generate an output equal to the number of classes we need.
- Convolution layers generate 3D activation maps while we just need the output as to whether or not an image belongs to a particular class.
- The Output layer has a loss function like categorical cross-entropy, to compute the error in prediction. Once the forward pass is complete the backpropagation begins to update the weight and biases for error and loss reduction.
- Pass an input image to the first convolutional layer. The convoluted output is obtained as an activation map. The filters applied in the convolution layer extract relevant features from the input image to pass further.
- Each filter shall give a different feature to aid the correct class prediction. In case we need to retain the size of the image, we use the same padding(zero padding), otherwise valid padding is used since it helps to reduce the number of features.
- Pooling layers are then added to further reduce the number of parameters
- Several convolution and pooling layers are added before the prediction is made. Convolutional layer help in extracting features. As we go deeper into the network more specific features are extracted as compared to a shallow network where the features extracted are more generic.
- The output layer in a CNN as mentioned previously is a fully connected layer, where the input from the other layers is flattened and sent so as the transform the output into the number of classes as desired by the network.
- The output is then generated through the output layer and is compared to the output layer for error generation. A loss function is defined in the fully connected output layer to compute the mean square loss. The gradient of error is then calculated.
- The error is then backpropagated to update the filter(weights) and bias values.
- One training cycle is completed in a single forward and backward pass.